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Incorporating Intersectional Gender Analysis
into Research on Infectious Diseases of Poverty

A toolkit for health researchers

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Start Module


About Module


This module outlines the initial activities needed to incorporate an intersectional gender lens into the design and development of research on infectious diseases of poverty. The activities included within this module form the foundation of intersectional gender analysis within research. Without engaging in these activities, it will be difficult to carry out many of the subsequent gender analysis activities within the different research phases.

The following subsections respond to each of these objectives, leaving the reader with some key questions and literature sources to consider after reading this module.

• Explore how gender frameworks can be used as an analytical guide to help researchers organize their thinking, frame their study (including the development of overall research objectives, questions and hypotheses) and think about how to develop gender analysis research questions to guide data collection and analysis

• Emphasize the need for data disaggregation within the sample design, including by sex and gender and other relevant social stratifiers

• Show how data disaggregation can be used as an entry point for further understanding the role of gender and other social stratifiers in health outcomes and experiences

Intersectional gender analysis activities included in module 3:

• Use gender analysis framework to guide development of research objectives, questions and hypotheses; data collection tools; and data analysis

• Disaggregate data by sex and other social stratifiers within sample design



3.1 Using gender frameworks as analytical guides

3.1.1 Gender frameworks for research on infectious diseases of poverty

Read Section ►

3.2 Data disaggregation as an entry point for further understanding

Read Section ►

3.3 Rationale for selection of social stratifiers for intersectional gender analysis

Read Section ►


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